Saturday, October 4, 2014

ARC Review: Home For Good

Home For Good by Terri Reed

Publisher: Tule, 2014
250 pages, kindle edition
Source: Netgalley
Genre: Romance

Synopsis (from Goodreads):
Joelle Winslow needs her cash share from the family ranch, and fast. But Matt Locke doesn't want to give it to her.

Being in Marietta over homecoming weekend makes her realize how much she's
missed the ranch... and Matt. Now it's decision time. Will following her
dream take Joelle far away from Montana or return her home for good?

My Review:
Joelle Winslow is home after a very long absence. She has been living in Manhattan, establishing herself as an up-and- coming jewelry designer. She returns home to Marietta because her father has had a heart attack. She does get there in time to see him. The last thing he tells her before he dies is that he wants her to follow her dreams. Joelle takes this to mean her dream of opening her own jewelry business with her partners in New York. This will require a lot of start-up money. Her father left half the ranch to her. She’ll have to sell it to come up with it.

Matt Locke was taken in by Carl Winslow after his parents were killed when he was twelve. Carl and his father had been friends, and since he’d never had a son of his own, he wanted to do this for his friend. Matt and Carl bond quickly, and Matt is grateful for a home and takes to ranch living and the horses, immediately. He wanted to learn everything there was to know about running a ranch and horse breeding. He felt he was at a place he belonged. Joelle had been living with her mother in California. When her mother remarried, she sent Joelle back to Montana to live with her father. When Joelle realized how close her father and Matt had become, she was jealous. The relationship between the two was strained and antagonistic. Now she is back – all grown up, out of college and ready to take the world by storm.

My Rating:

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