Monday, December 1, 2014

ARC Review: Blood To Blood (Angelica Brown #1)

Blood To Blood (Angelica Brown #1) by Ife Oshun

Publisher: Papa Grace Publishing, 2014 (first published 2013)
248 pages, paperback
Source: Netgalley
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal
Link: Goodreads

Synopsis (from Goodreads):
Enter the world of Bostonian teen Angelika Brown: budding pop star and descendant of an immortal race of sun-loving blood drinkers known as Shimshana (the folks that created vampires). Defying her parents' traditions of higher education, Angel plans to ditch high school to be a singer.

She's got an amazing voice, but she's also maturing into a full-grown Shimshana complete with fearsome power and insatiable bloodlust. What's worse, her soaring vocals are now capable of destroying everything, and everyone, within earshot; including her girl group, their mysterious producer and Angel's hunky new blood donor. To top it off, she must prove her worthiness to live by passing the tests in her Mahá-the ancient, mandatory coming-out-party for new-born immortals.

Will Angel survive her Mahá and quickly learn to control her new abilities? Or will her killer instincts bring her promising career, and her life, to an end?

My Review:
This author introduces us to its leading character Angel, a teenager with an exceptional ancestors and a typical dream. She has learned how to hide her family’s secret. Also with that being said her life is getting more complicated as she is maturing to be a real Shimshana. She changes and so do her best friends. Falling in love and also getting through her Maha ritual at the same time it gets her and her family into trouble. I can’t go into anymore as that would be spoiling the book and where is the fun in that. I recommend you give this book a try.

Blood to Blood by Ife Oshun has created a fantastic fantasy novel for young adult readers with romance and its an epic thrill. This book is very entertaining and makes you want to read more.

My Rating:

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